
People who have bad credit are faced with a lot of challenges. Aside from the more obvious issues that plague people with bad credit - loads of debt, 难以支付每月的账单, or a bankruptcy on the record that weighs them down like an anvil around the neck - people with bad credit also suffer in other ways. 尴尬, 自我意识, 而缺乏自尊往往也会导致这种情况, making it even more difficult to climb out of the financial hole they’ve gotten into.

Sometimes doing something nice for yourself makes you feel a little better.

Motorcycles let you experience life in a different way.

used-摩托车-driving如果你正遭受信用不良的困扰, maybe it’s time to take a look at life from a different perspective. 极速赛车彩票说的不是发疯. 而是从座位上体验生活 摩托车 能睁开你的眼睛看看你周围的一切吗. It cultivates an appreciation for nature, the open road, and views you don’t get from a car. 也许是时候改变一下了.

But here’s the question: How do you buy a 摩托车 if you have bad credit?

Financing a 摩托车 with bad credit is possible if you know where to go for help. 许多二手摩托车经销商提供 在这里买,在这里付摩托车极速赛车彩票 for people who’ve had credit challenges - people who are making an honest effort to put their financial lives back together and rebuild their credit score. 极速赛车彩票网站 in Raleigh, North Carolina, is one such dealership. 极速赛车彩票网站 is the largest used 摩托车 dealership in the state, and their specialty is providing 在这里买,在这里付摩托车极速赛车彩票 to people with bad credit.

不要被“在这里买,在这里付”的说法吓到.” It just means that you get the funding and make your payments at the same place - the dealership. 这些经销商, 像极速赛车彩票网站, are able to make the loan to you without going through a bank, 信用合作社, 或其他极速赛车彩票网站机构. This makes the process easier for you - and eliminates the stress and embarrassment of being turned down for a loan through traditional methods. Financing a 摩托车 with bad credit is easy when you follow these steps.

#1. 了解你的预算限制.

Before you head out to buy anything, 摩托车 included, get a good grasp on your budget. You need to know how much money you bring in every month and how much goes out for necessary expenses like utilities, 食物, 和服装. 坐下来把这些都写下来. You’ll feel much more confident when you head to the dealership.

#2. 在网上填写信用申请.

与许多 二手摩托车经销商 that offer 在这里买,在这里付摩托车极速赛车彩票, you’ll find a credit application on their website. Fill this out ahead of time from the comfort of your living room. 在大多数情况下,你会在几分钟内得到答案. Many buy here pay here 摩托车 dealerships approve everyone who applies for a loan as long as they can provide a few pieces of information once they get to the dealership. 稍后会详细介绍.

极速赛车彩票网站 guarantees credit approval and always gives you the lowest down payment possible. 极速赛车彩票一直在罗利为骑手服务, 达勒姆, 亨德森, Youngsville, 卡里, 教堂山分校, 达勒姆, 加纳, Knightdale, 牛津大学, 和维克森林大学, so you can be sure you’re getting the best deal when you work with 极速赛车彩票网站.

#3. Head to the dealership that offers 在这里买,在这里付摩托车极速赛车彩票.

Once you’ve filled out the online credit application and gotten approval for a loan, head to the dealership to take a look at the inventory of used bikes for sale. You’ll find 摩托车s to fit whatever type of riding you’re interested in: street bikes, 污垢自行车, cruisers; you name it. 大多数经销商都有. And they typically have all the top name brands to choose from. 在极速赛车彩票网站, 你会发现川崎, 雅马哈, 本田, 铃木, and Harley-Davidson bikes just waiting for a test ride.

Let the friendly salespeople guide you to the bikes that fit within your budget. Since you’ve already filled out the credit application, they have a good idea of what you can afford. We’ll help you find something that’s fun but that also fits in your budget. Test drive the ones you’re most interested in to see which one feels the best to you.

#4. 填写表格.

Once you’ve picked out your dream ride, it’s time to do the paperwork. Don’t worry, the finance team at the dealership will make it easy on you. They’ve done this a million times, and you’ll be surprised at how quickly the process is completed.

You’ll need to bring a few pieces of information with you when you come to the dealership. For instance, 极速赛车彩票网站 requests the following in order to finish up the paperwork:

  • Proof of identification: A valid North Carolina driver’s license
  • 收入证明:两份最近的工资单
  • Two proofs of residency: This can be utility bills or home or cell phone bills. You can also bring a mortgage statement or rental agreement. The important thing to remember is that the document has to have your name and address on it.
  • Proof of insurance: Only required for on-road 摩托车s that require a North Carolina-issued license plate
  • List of references: Six personal references, including name, address, and phone number. These should be people you know well enough to vouch for you.
  • Down payment: If a down payment is required, you’ll need cash or a debit or credit card. Cashier’s checks may be acceptable during regular business hours, 如果你想用这种方式付款,请提前打电话.

#5. 开着你的新车走吧!

Once the paperwork is complete, you’re ready to ride off into the sunset on your new 摩托车. 你觉得这是不可能的,对吧? But you can get financing for a 摩托车 even with bad credit. 在二手摩托车经销商那里很容易 极速赛车彩票网站. Now get out there and explore the world on your new ride!